Brand Logo and Print Grenzen überschreiten und uneingeschränkte Freiheit genießen, mit den Tour Modellen von bagier. Handgefertigte Aluminium-Rahmen, kombiniert mit solider und funktioneller Technik versprechen jahrelangen Fahrspaß. Als Allrounder beweisen sie sich nicht nur auf ausgiebigen Radtouren, sondern sind auch der ideale Begleiter im Alltag. Kunde : Datum :10.09.2016 System : HTML-5 Skill : HTML5 / PHP […]

HARMS balcony construction
HARMS balcony construction HARMS Balkonbau offers individual solutions for every requirement. Purists with a fondness for clear lines, emphasizing technical perfection, are just as much a part of our customers as owners of old buildings who want to preserve the outdated architectural forms without sacrificing modern comforts. Kunde : HARMS Balkonbau Datum : 10.03.2015 System […]

Feinkost Hörschgens Die Adresse für Feinkost !! Feinkost ist unsere Leidenschaft und nicht nur unser Beruf. DAS zeichnet uns aus und steht bei unserer Philosophie an erster Stelle. Lassen Sie sich davon überzeugen und erleben und genießen Sie unseren Service! Rund um das Delikatessen und ausgesuchte Getränke verwöhnen wir Sie mit einer Auswahl bester Leckereien! […]

The Flowering Atelier
The Flowering Atelier Firm and unique moments require an atmospheric, floristic concept that underlines the magic of the moment. To make this possible, together with you we design a harmonious solution, according to your individual wishes and ideas. Our job: Responsive Webdesign transposed with Typo3 and WordPress including logo revision Kunde : Maria Irlbeck Datum […]

Autohaus Kühl and Sohn
Autohaus Kühl And Sohn Car broken? Here your workshop appointment. Wi mookt dat allens !!! And without ifs and buts. Because we are your car master workshop from Tetenhusen. Excellent as a workshop of trust and that for many years. Our job: Entire CI web design with a WordPress logo Kunde : Thomas Kühl Datum […]

AW-Mamagement sports management
Allofs & Westerbeek GbR We are a sports management agency with more than 30 years professional experience in professional football. Our team is committed to helping you every day and getting the most out of you, whether you’re a youth, amateur or professional player Webdesign with WordPress and logo development Kunde : Oliver Westerbeek Datum […]

Speech Therapy Lohmann
Lohmann Our job: creating a new website. Specifications were a very clean design with some extra features. And the whole so that you can maintain it yourself. Then photos of the offices and staff inside were wanted. Our solution WordPress with its own custom design and photo shoot Kunde : Christiane Lohmann Datum : 15.03.2017 […]

Krefeld Pinguine GmbH Team
Krefeld Pinguine GmbH Ice hockey in Krefeld are 7 decades of tradition as Krefelds most popular sport. There were some very moving years, in both positive and negative sense. Championships and major international events alternated with bankruptcies and scandals. But always – even in moderately sporty times – a thread ran through the many decades: […]

Learning needs space
Lernenbrauchtraum Not only from the Reggio-pedagogy one knows about the pedagogical power of the space. To use them, you need a well thought-out room concept that integrates the existing classroom and its furniture and that is flexible enough to accommodate the individual needs of all children. Our job: Webdesign with WordPress Kunde : Katrin Petersen […]