WordPress CMS VS TYPO3 – PART 3 of 4
WordPress CMS VS Typo3 the other facts. We were the last time when building a page stopped. The current score is 1: 5 For WordPress and we have actually not done much.
Word Press VS Typo3 The 10 Facts – Part 2 of 4
Word Press VS Typo3 the other facts. We were the last time when building a page stopped. The current score is 1: 3 For WordPress and we have actually not done much.
WordPress VS Typo3 the 10 facts
WordPress is on everyone’s lips and you come with the idea of creating a new website actually not even past WordPress. But what about Typo3 the “Premium CMS”, the bottle ship that can do almost anything. Here are a few facts why it is getting harder for Typo3. We compare the steps for the applications that a “normal […]
Service partner of JTL-Software-GmbH the wrong world
Service partner at the JTL Software GmbH is a tough bread. Service partner is indeed a widely definable term. With the JTL software GmbH one can call these now also money donkeys. Because here is what goes wrong. First, we have to make it clear that this report has nothing to do with the actual software, which is […]
Seo-Check Tool Online Now
Seo-Check Tools are so many, but that does not stop us from putting our own Seo-Check Tool on the net. The big question is, are we completely crazy? No, definitely not in any relationship.
Responsive design is a must, no hype!
Responsive design is still considered to be a hype and, according to some people, will soon be gone. Let’s explain why responsive design is not a hype at all and that it will not disappear for a longer or shorter time.