Service partner of JTL-Software-GmbH the wrong world
Service partner at the JTL Software GmbH is a tough bread. Service partner is indeed a widely definable term. With the JTL software GmbH one can call these now also money donkeys. Because here is what goes wrong.
First, we have to make it clear that this report has nothing to do with the actual software, which is simply great and offers many features that other online shop systems do not offer. The merchandise management system is extremely mature and works great. Here it is only about the cooperation with the so-called service partners.
Our definition of “service partner” is: We sell the products, advertise them, help customers, install, program, give training and do everything to satisfy the customer. For this, the “service partner” gets a small commission on the sale, proportionately of the products sold. Everything was fine.It has been the same with all our partners like JTL, Händlerbund, Amazon, Google or Trusted Shops. But at JTL-Software-GmbH things are different now.
We summarize the new “Service Partner Contract” of the JTL Software GmbH in a few short words. You, the service partner, are the full post; You are responsible for everything, you hold the pear for all snot and look that you get the products sold well. Of course, you take over the complete first-level support, you are the sole contact. For that you get a certification that you can go anywhere else. If you are too stupid, we also take on second-level support. Of course, you are also listed on the page where 500 other service partners are with you, so that the end user also has the agony of choice. And the most important thing, YOU the service partner, please pay for it and that 100 € a month.
We, the service partners (former), should also pay monthly for our work to the JTL Software GmbH. Basically nothing! Unless you do not do anything other than JTL shops or plugins.
Wait, there is still the access to the “job market”, where basically the hottest price dumping is made there is … so synonymous brings nothing. But the commissions! They are indeed very generous, but unfortunately on the wrong products and then only for 6 months. Well, the commissions in the new contract are also issued as a voluntary payment. If the JTL-Software-GmbH has the urge to pay, it means it and if not, then it has done well with beans.
As I said here is what we think is wrong. That makes it easy to speculate that the service partners are now the JTL-donkeys. This suspicion pushes us on very much. Because otherwise you can not understand the treatment of the “advertisers” for a product.
Service partner for JTL
If you think that this is something very special, and you have exclusive rights or privileges, you are wrong wound. The only has the JTL software GmbH.
Because the service partner is committed:
- To make advertising on his own page
- Participate in a beginner training (Free, but then)
- to pay the meal allowance of € 49.90 per person.
- To be certified as a service partner.
- To repeat the whole after 18 months
We have to think about it for a second, because we’re also a Google partner , did we have to pay for something?
No, just the opposite. Everything we do for or with Google is free for us as an agency. Training, seminars, exams including the certification or voluntary label on our website are completely free. Even the good-humored, personal and always available telephone support is free.
Since one recognizes relatively quickly where the hare runs long.
Our conclusion about the new service partner policy of JTL-Software-GmbH: Friends! Forget it, we can also do without some kind of worthless certifications and the status “service partner”. Because the best certifications is the satisfied customer. Because we just build cool online shops, because we do not need a fat JTL label for. We only fear that this will be a big belly landing for the JTL Software GmbH. Because if you have hardly any service partners, it will only be harder for your software.
For the reasons mentioned above, we are now only an EX service partner. But do not worry Geile shops we build anyway.